Homeschooling Resources at Your Fingertips

Why Choose Live Online Classes?

by David Engle | Aug 18, 2020 | 4 min read

If you’re new to homeschooling, welcome! You’ve made a great choice for your child’s education and future, especially in this uncertain climate. If you already homeschool but have not enrolled your children in any live classes, keep reading to understand all of the benefits that these types of classes offer to students of all ages.

The transition from traditional schooling to homeschooling is different for every child. Some take to it really quickly and fall in love with every aspect of it, while others take a little while longer to adjust. One aspect that new homeschoolers tend to miss is the classroom environment of their old school. They’re accustomed to seeing their friends, socializing, interacting with their teachers…so a switch to most types of homeschooling can be a major change for kids.

It’s also important to understand that most public and private school students did not benefit from actual live instruction during school closures this past spring. School districts simply didn’t have enough time to create a viable alternative to in-person classroom learning, so most kids wound up working somewhat independently, without a whole lot of live instruction from a teacher. Live homeschool online classes are a whole different ball game.

Many kids–and parents–love virtual classes, like Bridgeway’s Live Online Classes. Let’s look at some specific reasons why.

  1. Live classes are just about as close to traditional school as kids can experience. Some students simply need that classroom environment to thrive. These kids just may not respond to a parent doing the teaching, or even a tutor leading a group of students. Virtual classes offer a classroom environment similar to the one they’re accustomed to. Sure, it’s from a distance, but whether it’s via Zoom or Google Meet, students can see their fellow classmates right on screen, chat with them, and enjoy instruction from a teacher rather than just completing assignments online.
  2. Real live teachers teaching real live classes! Doing online homeschooling is great, but nothing can quite replace actual instruction from qualified teachers. And that’s what virtual classes generally offer. Bridgeway’s Live Online Classes are among our most popular offerings, and a huge reason is the amazing teachers who lead these classes. Our teachers are certified, qualified, and engaging, which means your child is going to truly enjoy his or her experience while learning a lot along the way. Bridgeway’s live online teachers love their jobs, and it shows during every class.
  3. Class selection offers so much more than kids would find in traditional school. Take a look at some of the Live Online Classes that we offer, from elementary to middle school to high school:
    • Brick by Brick Gadgets
    • Electric Avenue
    • Slippery Slime and Plastic Polymers
    • Magic Tree House Series
    • Creative Cartooning
    • Modding Minecraft
    • Game Design with Python
    • Practical Skills for Tweens & Teens
    • Myths and Legends
    • Public Speaking
    • Theater and FilmAnd those are literally just a small sampling. Of course, there are the essential language arts, math, science, social studies, and health courses, all just as engaging and expertly instructed–but there are so many fun offerings that kids love that they wouldn’t find in a traditional school.
  4. Competition and motivation. We’ve all read the stories about how kids feel unmotivated working by themselves at home, without classmates. Live online classes can provide that kick in the pants that kids sometimes need. Having other students in the classroom obviously isn’t–and shouldn’t be–the primary motivator to excel in school and get good grades…but no kid wants to feel as if they’re behind others in class, so it does help motivate them (even subconsciously) to up their game. Plus, most teachers are natural motivators, and Bridgeway’s expert instructors always inspire their students to do their best.
  5. Plenty of flexibility. Bridgeway’s Live Online Classes meet once per week, so there’s plenty of time to fit in as many classes as you’d like. Not to mention, your child can join and participate in these classes no matter where you might be. All it takes is a reliable high-speed internet connection, a good set of headphones, and a laptop! Plus, Live Online Classes allow you to mix in other types of homeschooling to add some variety to each day.
  6. Socialization with new people. How many public schools can say they join kids from around the world into a single classroom? Virtual classes can. Your child may have classmates from 10 different states and four different countries! This allows kids to learn more about other cultures, customs, countries, and people. The beauty of technology is that these could become lifelong friends, always available at the tap of a screen or click of a button.
  7. It’s a break for you. Sometimes it’s the little things in life, right? Like getting an hour to an hour-and-a-half to yourself to get stuff done around the house, catch up on the books you’ve been meaning to read, or even take a power nap. That might be motivation to sign up for a bunch more…

Virtual learning wasn’t what most parents–or students–pictured during the spring. But don’t let that dissuade you from seeing what live online classes are all about. There are so many benefits, and you’ll be amazed by how much your child learns and will want to keep learning because they’re so engaged.

Bridgeway’s Live Online Classes are what virtual learning is all about. We offer our live classes to kids from grades 1 through 12, and you’re welcome to sign up for as many as you and your student like–as long as they don’t overlap in schedules. Whether you’re new to live classes or to homeschooling altogether, you and your child are in for a treat when you sign up for Bridgeway Academy’s Live Online Classes.

Give us a call today at (800) 863-1474 to learn more about our Live Online Classes as well as Bridgeway’s other homeschool offerings and features, including accreditation, support, and recordkeeping.

David Engle
Hello, and thanks for reading! I’m David Engle--dad, husband, sports fan, and writer/editor. As a father for the last 18 years (father of two for the last 14), I consider myself to be pretty well-versed in all things related to education, childhood, and parenting, and I'm thankful for the opportunity to share some insights and knowledge with fellow parents. I have been a professional writer and editor for a quarter of a century (it pains me to admit that) and have been writing in the educational space for a number of those years. I reside in southern New Jersey with my wife, two kids, two dogs, and three cats. Never a dull moment.
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