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A Teen’s Perspective: How to Transition to the New School Year

by Frances Ubogu | Jul 14, 2017 | 4 min read

The start of a new school year is always a time bustling with excitement (for some people) and nervousness (definitely for most people). Unfortunately, preparing for the new school year tends to be a stressful experience for both parents and students.

Right before the school year starts, you usually realize that you have a lot to do. You need to collect your school supplies, make a new schedule, and complete many other things. It seems like there will never be enough time to do it all! Here are some of my most helpful tips to help make certain that your transition to the new school year will be a smooth and effortless one.

How to Transition to a New School Year

  • Get to know your teacher/advisor: Before school starts, you should get to know any of your online teachers, coop leaders, and advisors so that you become more comfortable when school begins. Get to know them a little bit and understand what they expect in their classes. Make sure to ask them questions whenever necessary as they will be an integral part of your successful school year.
  • Make a schedule: Before the school year begins, make sure to create your own schedule. Schedule what time you will do each of your subjects and also what times you will wake up, have breakfast, go to co-ops, and head to bed. Making a schedule ensures that when the school year starts, you are well prepared and organized.
  • Review what you learned the previous year: To make sure that your transition to learning will be less rocky, review what you learned throughout the previous year. Creating flashcards (and studying them) from your notes help make sure that you understand all the concepts and that they are fresh in your memory. You should be sure to definitely revisit the topics that you didn’t understand and revisit the ones you had difficulty with.
  • Set up a designated work space: Setting up a designated work space before the school year starts ensures that you will start the year organized. By organizing your space, you will notice that you can concentrate more. Just remember-no distractions!
  • Get your school supplies ready:You should make sure that you have your school supplies ready some weeks before school. By organizing your supplies earlier, you will have time before the school year begins to get anything that you might have missed. To make collecting supplies easier, come up with a school supply checklist.
  • Set up a sleep timetable:Did you know that not getting enough sleep can have many negative effects on your body? Some of these effects include: pessimistic mood swings, unhappiness, lack of energy, problems with remembering things, weight gain, and impaired brain activity. Surprising? Probably. So, you need enough sleep in order to perform your best in school. To ensure this, you should create a sleep schedule a week before school starts and begin following it so that your body will get used to your new sleep times.
  • Eat healthy:When you eat healthy, there are many benefits. Not only does it reduce your risk of being obese, getting heart disease, and getting type 2 diabetes, but eating healthy can increase your performance during school. A healthy diet has also been shown to improve mood and alertness. Make eating healthy a lifestyle because it will be beneficial to you- not only in improving your performance in school but in every aspect of your well being. Oh, and always remember- “Healthy food leads to a healthy brain!”
  • Set new goals: Prior to the beginning of the school year, come up with your goals for the academic session. To help you with that, check out these golden rules to goal setting. Your goals should reflect on everything that you want to accomplish during the school year. Making clear, SMART goals will ensure that you achieve what you desire.
  • Relax a week before the school year starts: This sounds crazy, right? You think that you should be working as hard as ever before school starts, don’t you? Well, if you do that, it will just leave you feeling exhausted and stressed out. Instead of leaving everything to the last week, take it slow and steady from the beginning and middle of the summer. This will ensure that you have the last week free, which in turn will allow you to be more relaxed.
  • Find coping methods for stress: No doubt that some of us will be stressed before the school year starts as well as during the year. To help you deal with the stress of the oncoming school year, find coping methods to help manage it. There are countless of these methods, whether it is physical activity or keeping a stress diary.

There is a multitude of ways for you to ensure that your transition to the new school year will be a good one! Good luck on your new year. I hope that these tips encouraged and inspired you as you get ready for new academics, challenges and goals.
How do you get ready for your new school year?

Frances Ubogu
Personalized Education Like No Other!
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