Homeschooling Resources at Your Fingertips

Why Choose Online Summer School?

by Mary Adalbert | Jul 14, 2018 | 3 min read

Summer school. Those words alone can make even the most dedicated student’s stomach churn. But it doesn’t have to! Online Summer School often brings more freedom to your school year and can help lower frustrations when you start your new school year. Here’s how homeschooling summer school online can make life easier and more exciting!

  1. Avoid Summer Learning Loss.

    Many people believe that summer is a time for students to recuperate and rest their brain, and while that is an essential part of summer, it can also be a detriment to your child’s learning. Studies show that over the summer months, students lose months of skills! So, it is important to keep your child’s brain sharp by encouraging and facilitating learning to ensure that they don’t struggle when the new school year starts.

  2. Keep your brain sharp as you learn new things.

    The more you challenge your brain, the more active and engaged it is in learning new things. Accordingly, enrolling your child in an online summer school will facilitate learning outside of the classroom.

  3. Get ahead in academics for the school year.

    Many students stay busy during the school year with extracurricular activities, travel, and competition. Additionally taking an online summer school class could help your child get ahead on his or her classes, reduce pressure during the school year, and allow your student more time to focus on what they love.

  4. Catch up on concepts you didn’t master.

    Nearly every student struggles with one subject, topic, or assignment. Take the time during summer to master those concepts so that it’s a breeze when the school year starts up again. Summer homeschooling is a great way to focus on one concept to make sure you’ve got it. 

  5. Flexibility: You can take your work anywhere — even poolside!

    The great part about online summer school is that you can take it wherever you go, whether you are home or traveling! And if your family loves going to the local pool, use summer homeschooling to take some breaks from the sun throughout the day.

  6. Freedom: School anytime you want! Whether it’s in-between grad parties or vacations or even on the road.

    Bridgeway Academy doesn’t require its students to log in and do their school work every single day. We understand that especially during the summer months, families are very busy; therefore, our online summer school classes offer you the flexibility to log on and accomplish the lessons when it works best for you!

  7. Study extra-curricular things you normally don’t have the time to pursue.

    With so many core curricular class requirements during the regular school year, it can be difficult for your child to learn about the topics that they enjoy. Take the time during the summer to enroll in an online summer school class that focuses on your child’s interests. For example, take an online animal science class and supplement the lessons by going to the zoo or volunteering as a dog walker at an animal shelter!

  8. Explore Dual Enrollment with your high schooler.

    Making the transition from high school to college can be extremely difficult, but taking an online summer school dual enrollment class can make it a little bit easier (and less expensive). Enroll your student in one of Bridgeway’s Dual Enrollment classes to get gen-eds out of the way so that your child can jump right into his or her major when they start college! This could also provide a little leeway for students who aren’t sure what they want to pursue and may switch majors a few times.

  9. Learn time management (so kids aren’t always asking to be inside playing video games).

    During summer, kids want to sleep in, play video games, or hang with their friends. Adding the extra responsibility of taking an online summer school class will teach them to manage their time so that they can finish their courses, play with their friends, AND get that hour or two of video game time in at the end of the day!

There are so many reasons to take an online summer school course, and with open enrollmentBridgeway Academy has options for every family, child, and student — no matter what you’re looking for!

Mary Adalbert
Hello! I’m Mary Adalbert, Marketing Project Manager for Bridgeway Academy. As a result of being homeschooled during my middle school and high school years, I am passionate about families finding a perfect fit for each of their children. After high school, I went on to study music and business at college where I found a love for helping kids use their creativity in music. I still enjoy teaching music to students and integrate their learning style as we work through lessons at their own pace. In my free time I love playing sports with my husband, spending time with our family, and playing music. And most of all, I love seeing how God works through each and every situation.
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